Articles, practical advice and tips


Never Peak

Never peak, never settle or max out! I want to encourage you to strive to reach your peak every day. Have you ever known anyone who still lives in their high school days? Someone who always speaks of the past? It can be sad to see or hear. A person who has already...

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Would You Date Your Company?

  Would you date your company? This may come across as a weird question. Possibly because it creates the idea that companies can take on human personality and characteristics. I will submit that is entirely possible and does happen.   If a company can take...

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Challenge The Process

    Every so often organizations should step back and be disruptive. By disruptive I mean challenging the status quo or as the title indicates our normal processes. Is this a good time for your organization to take a good look at your mission and the way...

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  Consider This When Hiring or Building High Performance Teams  -   Most organizations do not have a thorough process for hiring or strategically building their organization. Jim Collins states in his NY Times Best Selling book, Good To Great; "That an...

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Don’t Hide Your Why

  As a leader have you ever felt as though you were the only one who was engaged or motivated?   Business is vastly different than sports. In sports teams play together for a stated length of time (the game/season) and it’s easy to see how well the team is...

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The Point Leader

    The Point Leader of an organization often times means that they were simply the first to show up or has stuck around the longest. We believe that the point leader primarily sets the direction, tone and culture of an organization. Here are some traits of...

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  It is often said, all is well that ends well. Or you may have heard the phrase, Finish Strong. If you are a Georgia Bulldog fan you will recognize, Finish the Drill. Each of these sayings are focused on the importance of finishing. Finishing well is absolutely...

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