Baby Boomers In Retirement

It is unfortunate that there is any fear surrounding retirement. Even with the best planning and techniques many still worry. Some worry about worrying. There are ways to create a greater since of certainty regarding retirement, thus reducing or eliminating fear. If that is something you would like to investigate our team would love to help.



In a recent USA Today Snapshot they investigated the question, What are Baby Boomers most afraid of in retirement?


28% Not being able to cover health care costs

17% Having to rely on others for support

16% Having to work longer to supplement retirement savings

15% Having to cut back on desired lifestyle


What is it that you fear?


Could reducing the variables in your plan alleviate stress?


Source: Edward Jones Retirement Fears survey of 824 adults 40 and older as published in USA Today snapshots on Thursday November 18, 2010


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