Getting Started Todd Burkhalter


It is often said, all is well that ends well. Or you may have heard the phrase, Finish Strong. If you are a Georgia Bulldog fan you will recognize, Finish the Drill. Each of these sayings are focused on the importance of finishing. Finishing well is absolutely important. I have seen a number of times when businesses or people get started and have no follow through or patience to see it through, resulting in failure. I agree that finishing well is important but you can’t finish well if you never get started.


John Maxwell says that Getting Started is the main step to Success. If this is the main step in the success process why do so many people struggle with getting started? Here are a few reasons why:

  • Complacency
  • Fear
  • Not knowing enough details
  • Lack of Focus
  • Lack of Clarity
  • Focused solely on small details
  • Lack of funding
  • Lack of Vision

I want to encourage you to get started on your dream and living the life that God desires for you. This certainly isn’t a permission slip for irresponsibility, however a nudge towards making that decision that you know is the right one. Formulate a big vision, a clear plan and surround yourself with the proper people and get started. These steps will alleviate the most problematic items from the list above allowing you to begin and finish well. Author of Intentional Living, Michael Hyatt, is one of my favorite leadership experts. I quote Michael often by stating, with action comes clarity. This statement has proven true many times on projects and business ventures in which I have been involved. Once you begin you start finding your way.



Hyatt quote



What is your desire? Tell us on Facebook, twitter or LinkedIn about the dream that you want to begin living. Let me know if we can assist you in the planning or execution of your dream.


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