To QE Infinity and Beyond

Weekly Update – December 17, 2012 Markets appeared to be in a holding pattern last week as traders await a fiscal cliff deal. Equities finished the week slightly in the red, pushed down by fresh concerns that lawmakers may not reach a deal this year. For the week, the...

Fiscal Cliff Uncertainty

Weekly Update – December 10, 2012 Markets experienced another choppy week, disturbed by ongoing fiscal cliff debates and lackluster economic data. Equities finished the week mixed, with the S&P gaining 0.13%, the Dow gaining 0.99%, and the Nasdaq losing -1.1%.[i]...

The Fiscal Cliff Simplified

There has been so much discussion and rhetoric regarding The Fiscal Cliff. How does it impact you and your family? Its often hard to say or know if it will and if so how much? Principal Funds  provided an easy to follow infograph that I wanted to share with you....

Markets on Edge

Weekly Update – December 3, 2012 The combination of unease in Europe and political bickering in Congress set equity markets on edge last week. In spite of the turbulence, key indices still managed to close positive for the week, with the S&P 500 gaining 0.5%, the...